Lore movie that silences the public


Lore movie that silences the public

Last night I saw the Australian/German movie Lore in complete silence. I do not remember that the cinema public did not talk or even cough during a movie, but Lore creates that effect.

5 children from SS-parents have to find their way from the southern Schwarzwald to Hamburg in the North of Germany in the days after Hitler died. Their parents are arrested and nobody wants the children or cares for them.

The country is a mess as Hitler fought untill the very end: the desillusion is complete and everybody is just surviving, often at the cost of others. No safety, no love, even no truth: ‘not knowing’ is one of the themes in the movie.

We interprete the circumstances thought the eyes of maybe 16 years old Lore who was educated in a pro-Hitler family with strong values. Not just the story, also the end of the movie is unique: the message, whatever it is, is significant. Everybody, no exception, left the cinema in silence.

For me, the movie gave a perspective on immediate post-war Germany that I never had before. It was touching, confusing and realistic: it could have happened and it may have… Beautiful camera work turns this into an art movie: breathtaking from the begin untill the very end!

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